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What is a digital credential or badge?

Find answers to frequently asked questions below. For more resources, visit the Credly Help Center or submit a question to us using the form above.
Stories From Badge Earners
Credly Badge Earners Stories
I shared my digital badges with my professional network on LinkedIn, and also added them to my résumé. I believe I stand out for jobs requiring expertise in Esri technology, and having Esri certifications in multiple domains gave organizations confidence…
Jayanta Poddar
Esri Badge Earner
As a result of earning the Sourcing Specialist Certificate and Credly badge, I was promoted from HR Administrator to HR Generalist. I liked the structure of the learning modules and the topics, and I attribute the digital credential to opening the door to more advanced human resources work and learning new skills that I can apply to my position.

Terri Lynn Walker
NSITE Badge EarnerDigital badges boosted my confidence and helped catalogue all my achievements and skills... It is like a nice inventory, a digital wallet where one can showcase their skills and anyone can go in there and then verify those skills.
James Vu
Credly Top Badge EarnerEarning Credly Badges not only validate your skills and knowledge but also enhance your credibility in the job market. They can boost your confidence, opening up new opportunities for career advancement and networking. Additionally, the process of earning these badges encourages continuous learning, keeping you updated with industry trends and best practices. Overall, they can be a powerful tool in showcasing your commitment to professional development.
Danny Seow
Credly Top Badge EarnerWho is Credly by Pearson?

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