How Does It Work?
The skills wallet provides a clear and organized way to track and validate skills, ensuring they are meaningful and relevant.

Earners can now add a skills section to their profile. It is populated based on badges earned and occupation history.

Skills in the Skill Profile can carry a tag from the Pearson Ontology* to signal to the earner relevant labor market trends for that skill.

If an earner has a Credly badge that includes a listed skill, there will be a check mark against that skill in the profile.

Alternatively, earners can populate their Skills Wallet from a badge acceptance page.

Why is Skills Wallet Important?
A validated skills profile helps organizations gain deeper insights into the abilities of their workforce, while enabling learners to showcase their achievements to others.
Skills Validation
Earners can use Credly badges, occupation history, and third-party badges as sources of evidence to support a validated view of their skills that can be used with current and potential employers.

Gaining Deeper Insights
By leveraging the skills data associated with our Credly badges in conjunction with the Pearson Ontology, organizations can gain a better understanding of their employees' skills and learning.
The Pearson Ontology is a framework that captures relationships between different skill types and their connections to occupations, tasks, and technologies. By using this structured approach, you can better understand how various skills relate to each other and identify gaps in your organization’s capabilities.