
    Credly’s Pathways feature allows issuers to define a set of criteria badges that, when earned, will automatically issue their chosen completion badge. This streamlines badge management, saves time, and encourages earners to pursue more badges by clearly showcasing learning pathways.

    What You Can Find in Credly Pathways

    Pathways are designed to streamline the credentialing process, offering features that enhance organization and clarity for both issuers and earners.
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    Auto-issuing Logic

    Issuers define criteria badges that, once earned, will trigger a completion badge to be issued.
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    Pathway Name & Description

    Use promotional language to show the value of an entire path and encourage completion.
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    Badge Management

    Completion badges can be replaced, revoked, or deleted like any other badge, providing flexibility in managing the recognition process.
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    Related Pathways

    Pathways are featured on an organization’s profile page and on the badge detail pages of criteria badges to recommend a next step to earners.
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    Suggested Progress

    Pathway detail pages clearly outline the next step for an earner to complete the pathway by directing earners to your program’s marketing pages.

    Achieve More with Credly Pathways

    Transform your approach to digital credentials and empower learners to achieve their development goals with ease.

    Automated Badge Issuance

    Pathways automatically issue completion badges when criteria badges are earned, saving time and eliminating manual tracking.

    Credly pathway example

    Enhanced Visibility and Engagement

    Pathways are easily accessible via your profile and badge pages, motivating earners to complete more badges and showing clear learning paths that align with career goals.

    pathway public visibility

    Flexible Path Management

    Admins and Platform Managers can create, modify, and deactivate pathways, ensuring badge programs are flexible and tailored to learners' needs. Pathways can be set to Draft for development, Active for automatic badge issuance, or Disabled to pause issuance, allowing effective management of badge award timing.

    Credly Pathway management

    Get Started Today