
    Our Skills Ontology

    Map your workforce skills consistently regardless of how you define jobs within your organization. Our unique proprietary ontology framework aligns with most occupation classification systems, and allows you to access insights from accurate analysis and modeling done at scale. 

    The ontology is continuously updated based on the latest job data from millions of job ad listings, so you can feel confident your workforce analytics are powered by real-time insights. 

    How the Skills Ontology Framework Works:

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    Our proprietary ontology leverages best practices and is updated in real-time with real-world data to deliver a comprehensive list of workforce skills that’s always up-to-date.
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    Skills are defined broadly to take in non-technical skills and approaches to work so that jobs—and the people who do them—can be described with the detail and nuance that are needed for deep analysis.
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    An analysis separates the skills that make up a job into general and job-specific skills and then ranks them according to how important each skill is to the job.

    Using the Skills Ontology to Implement Job Title Normalization

    We’ll work with you to upload your anonymized workforce data including base information such as job title, and organization level. Automated machine learning then maps your workforce data to our proprietary ontology consisting of a knowledge graph of:
    5,000 +


    26,000 +

    Discrete works tasks that make up each occupation

    200,000 +

    Normalized job titles

    Accurate Skills Data at Scale Across Your Enterprise

    Specialized machine learning models process natural language from job ads, link similar and implied skills, and resolve duplication. The ontology keeps pace with the rapidly evolving labor market by processing 10 million job ads each month from the United States, United Kingdom, 
    Canada, and Australia. 

    Learn how we can quickly and accurately develop a job architecture for your organization using our proprietary ontology.