Credly Features and Functionality
Credly offers advanced technology for easy issuance of professional digital certificates and badges. Trust us to help you create impactful credentialing programs with efficiency.
Drive Demand for Your Offerings
Every time an earner shares their profile or digital credential – that adds up to a lot of free marketing for the program to engage with new and existing customers.
Add Value to Your Programs and Courses
Labor market insights, credentialing recommendations, and endorsements help with understanding your value and uncovering opportunities.
Advance Your Earners Careers
With a wide range of sharing, directory, and connectivity options, your earners can discover what’s next and get connected to highly relevant advancement opportunities.
Product Features
Designed with cutting-edge technology and user-centric features, discover the power of Credly.
Enhanced analytics allows you to have access to trends and actionable data to optimize your program.

Metadata Mapping
Metadata mapping allows proof that the digital credentials come from reputable sources and speak to a skill or knowledge that was verified.

Talent Directory
When an individual earns a credential, it can unlock new opportunities. The Talent Directory feature helps badge earners find a job, connect to opportunities, and bring exposure to the skills and credentials that they’ve earned from your organization. Discover talent with specific skills, credentials, and locations in a simple search.

Suggested Skills
Credly helps normalize skills across the platform so everyone is speaking the same skills-based language when recognizing individuals for achievements.

Issuers can automatically issue completion badges when earners meet a set of criteria badges. This streamlines badge management and encourages learners to pursue more badges by clearly showcasing learning pathways.

Additional features
Not all digital credentialing platforms can do what Credly can. See below for additional features and download our comprehensive feature set.
Occupation Insights
For you and your badge earners to find and surface jobs and career opportunities by title, location, employer and salary range.
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Language Versions
Issue multilingual digital credentials for seamless acceptance, viewing, and sharing by badge earners globally.
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Certificate Maker
Achieve full control over digital certificate creation in the platform, customizing content and design to reflect the significance of your earners' achievements.
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Using blockchain-based digital credentials shows your organization is up-to-date with technology, allowing for easy verification of future and tamper-proof credentials.
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Open Badge 3.0
Earners can now showcase all their earned credentials in one place with Credly's support for Open Badge 3.0, which includes automatically parsed metadata and verification.
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Customizable Emails
Issuers can customize copy fields in their initial badge notification and reminder emails to earners, creating a comprehensive branding experience.
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Earner Skills Wallet
Earners can now add a skills section to their profile based on badges earned and occupation history.
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The Credly platform is more than just a place to issue digital credentials. The recommendations feature is here to help create opportunities for your badge earners.
Share to Mobile Wallet
Badge earners can easily store their credentials in a mobile wallet, ensuring seamless verification anywhere, while also enjoying various social sharing options.
SSO Sign In
Single sign-on (SSO) streamlines user onboarding by integrating social sign-in capabilities, and syncing badges with trusted accounts for a seamless experience.
Mobile Application
The mobile app enables earners to effortlessly view, manage, and share digital credentials on iOS or Android. They can verify skills, manage their badge wallet, and access it online, on the job site, or while networking.

Celebrate Button
We make celebrating learning achievements easy— earners can receive recognition for the digital credentials they earn from your organization.
Default Expiration Date
Manage and track badge expiration dates using default settings, enabling you to set a uniform expiration date for all badges issued via the selected template.
Features That Make Us Unlike the Others
Take a look at our comprehensive feature set that makes us the leader in the digital credentialing industry.